What's Been Playin?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

All-Star Break

I guess these boys took some time (obviously not much) in the All-Star break to record this soon-to-be classic.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Oh, The Good Old Days

Hard to believe the kind of societal changes that occur without you really noticing.

Take this example of an ad from 1961.

Can't imagine any advertising exec suggesting this (and btw, who do you think the target market was)?

Anyhow, for insights into advertising check out Terry O'Reilly's "The Age Of Persuassion" available on CBC and now for download.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Photoshop Tricks

Here's the latest tutorial from Donnie. While I don't use Photoshop myself (I cheaped out and am using The Gimp) the tutorial is quite funny (see his other ones as well).

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lynch Mob

Well it looks like Kelly Tighman is on side with the likes of Fuzzy Zoeller.

Two weeks away from Nick hardly seems sufficient!