What's Been Playin?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Is It Time To Put The MotherCorp Out Of Its Miseries?

From Canoe.ca

Despite all the carping, criticism and finger-pointing, CBC brass keeps saying its shows are doing just fine, thanks.

Well then, let's look at the most recent national numbers:

- October 1970 (Thursday, Nov. 16): 56,000 viewers.

- Rumours (Monday of this week): 94,000.

- The Hour (Monday of this week): 82,000.

- Intelligence (Tuesday of this week): 247,000.


Well, I can say I account for 1 of the slightly more than quarter million Canadians who watched Intelligence and I do so on a regular basis and would suggest you give it a shot (especially if you're off the grid and have no cable). I gave The Hour a couple of chances and just didn't think George S. pulled it off (he sucked up to Beck during an interview as if he was a young school girl).

Hard to see how this corporation can survive when the number of viewers of many of their shows could fit into BC place.

Not sure how or if they can resolve their horrendously low viewership but surely it is clear that the tax payers are not viewing the network they're paying for.


Lex said...

Hey, you don't mean CBC radio.

Unknown said...

No, no, no. I think that both Radio One and Two are valuable assets. Also, I imagine that the budget for the radio looks miniscule compared to that for CBCTV.

Dr. Fatty said...

I don't know how valuable any of it is. I like to listen to the radio (even had a briefly succesful coup to get CBC2 on our in house station at work) but how many people are really listening?

As for the t.v., at least 99% of any station is trash so they should just pull the plug on it and start doing CBC produced shows that air on any given channel.